Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The weird case... (me)

Let's talk a little bit about my health... Well, I've got some problems to write for 2 years by now (actually on april, 5th it'll be it anniversary). Actually at first we thought it was a tendonotis at my right elbow. But then, several weeks later, the pain remained. So I went to a rheumatologist practice, and she x-rayed my back... nothing wrong so she requested me to pass a kind of scan of my neck but you know they can get pictures thanks to magnetism (actually in France we call that an IRM)... results: nothing wrong. In September, about 2 weeks after we restarted courses, I couldn't write again and I couldn't cut my meat, tie up my shoes... very annoying! So I went to a neurologist who sent me discharges in my arm and told me I was cured, and the problem was that my brain was...forgetting that I had a right arm! (so weird!). But a week later, I was back since it was worst and it was coming in my left arm and he told me that it was just psychological, he maintained that I was cured. It stopped for a while, but in March, it began again. I went to another neurologist who requested me to pass 2 other IRM, one of my neck and another of my brain (they thought it was a tumor): but nothing (thanks god!). The new neurologist sent me discharges once again and then he jabed a needle in 19 different place in my muscles of my arms and legs (in about 5 minutes!... it was awful!) and I had to contract my muscles... result: nothing except that I couldn't use members for 3 days since it was SO painful! Anyway, now when I go to my neurologist he tells me "it's you the weird case!"
Yesterday I went in a hospital to pass another IRM of my neck, and guess what was the result...
My neurologist is right... I am weird!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Easy to remeber me...

On fridays, I come back in Desvres by train. But this week it was a special one since I saw a friend from Junior High, so 4 years ago. Immediatly I recognized me, he said: "you're Alexandra Bertin, you're a fan of Friends and you're a vegetarian who only eat...wieners!". Honestly it's really funny espacially the part with the wieners! I laughed when he said that obviously! But I have to say something, I'm not really a vegetarian: I also eat some beef, chicken. The wieners were actually the only thing I could eat at the dinning hall... in fact I don't rely upon food from dinnig halls... only wieners! lol

Do you think I'm weird? lol

Saturday, March 17, 2007

St Patrick's day

Yesturday, with a group a friends, we wanted to celebrate St Patrick's day, but the organisation was chaotic! So at 8.00pm, my cousin Tony and I wanted to go to the movies to watch "Music and Lyrics". It was quite good, then we wanted to go to the Irish pub we were supposed to go since the rest of the group was there. But, when we entered, nobody was here! We called Adrien, a friend, and actually they were all at the train station. With Tony we decided to go there for a while... but we followed the group into the Irish pub (sadly I couldn't taste the "Irish coffee" and "Guinness" because I was the driver!). And then we went into a nightclub.

Result we came back at 6.10am! And we were only supposed to go to the movies!

I've slept only 4h30... I'm EXHAUSTED!!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

bad pupil!

Well, I've went in my attic this afternoon and I've found my old english copybook (8th grade). I was in a european class so I had more english courses than my friends. I was supposed to be a good english speaker but I wasn't AT ALL! My tests were in my copybook so read them and sometimes I laughed a LOT!
I'm gonna write the "best" sentences I read and sometimes it really means nothing!

"How hardworking do you?
Not, I'm!"

(find the vocubulary corresponding to these definitions) "when the doctor tells you what you should and shouldn't do, he gives you: medecines!"

"my mother likes eating fish, she's very good at it"

(put the words in the correct order) "Who get with do you along?", "What your sister is in class?", "who this is for present?"

So what do you think? Is it good?! lol
But I've also written a poem and my teacher found it quite good:

"My present.
It was on a day with fog,
the day of Christmas.
My present was a dog,
for me it was fabulous."

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


well I want to talk a little bit about global warming... It's really worrying. I'm going to use my personnel experience to illustrate what I'm gonna say.
We're Wednesday March, 14th 2007, temperature: 14°C (61°F). This temerature is normally the one we have in late April, so more than a month too soon. Last year it was the CPE crisis (which media dramatized negatively, I prefer to tell you, pacifical strikers exist!), and my High School, Giraux Sannier, was block by pupils and students. So we couldn't enter in the school building at all and since I lived 20km away from it and the school bus had left, and my parents were working, I couldn't come back home and I stayed outside (and it lasted about 2 weeks, obviously I tried to find way to come back and sometimes I stayed in my bed it was hotter!). Anyway, I remember something... It was really cold! and it frosted (I don't know if this word exists...). Temperature are anormal for the season...
Temperature are the hottest since 1954. And it doesn't mean that in 1954 we had these temperatures but it means that we've the hottest temperature records since we're able to have precise calculus.
We have to protect the planet. I don't want you to be ecologist, it's really not what I'm saying, actually I don't like that word. I jsut want you to be civilized. By civilized I mean that when you're able to live with everybody, you commit no discrimination, you are civilized. It's the same for the planet, everyday people are unconsciously fighting against the planet and we have to respect it. So be a litlle bit more careful with it, BE CIVILIZED!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Lunar Eclipse

I love all these phenomons like eclipses. In a way, I've always loved to watch the sky the night, I don't know why but I'm fascinated. Right now I'm watching the sky with binoculars, I stop to write and I watch. It reminds me my youth. Before, every 4th of July (the day of Maxime's birthday, my brother), with my brother and my 3 cousines Mathilde, Estelle and Clarisse, we used to watch the sky with a toy telescope and it was cool! I remember, once my brother wanted to watch the Moon but when he watched, he saw something weird, like a fire ball. So we all looked at the Moon, it was impossible it wasn't it. And we try to find what it was. Afterwards, Mathilde found out. It was a streetlight!! It was tons of fun! Also one summer we had dinner at my cousines' home. And Maxime, Mathilde and 2 of her cousins rode their bike by night. And the Moon was red because of a Lunar eclipse. So they said it was Mars and Extraterrestrials were coming. But Malthilde lost her slipper (what an idea to ride a bike with slippers!), so she stopped next a hedge to put it back. And, suddenly, someone in the hedge said "Hey!", so obviously she screamed and jump on her bike and pedaled like a crazy girl! Meanwhile, the man was saying "I'm sorry, don't worry!". But she was so scared that she ran away! lol. And when she told her little experience I remember I laughed A LOT!

Above you can see a picture of the eclipse I'm watching...

Friday, March 02, 2007

We count on you!

Tonight I've watched "Les Restos Du Coeur" (The restaurants of the heart). It's an association which help people in the need.
All began on September, 26th 1985. Coluche, a french humorist, one day on radio he cast a call to the french. He said that he couldn't stand the fact that people can't eat and have a shelter. So he said, "I thought we could open a free restaurant for those who can't buy food and everything. So, at first, we could open one in Paris, and then in all the big cities." So he asked a friend of him, Jean-Jacques Goldman, to write a song and with all the profits they opened the restaurant and the first meal had been served on december 1985. And now it's a real institution, and every year a concert is organized with about 30 celebrities, singers, actors, ex-models, humorists (sometimes bad singers! but I'm happy since there doing an effort!)... so they're all volunteers and once again all the profits is for Les Restos. They also sell DVD and CD of the concert and each one represents 17 meals!... sadly Coluche died in June 1986, and much more sad "Les Restos Du Coeur" still exist, so it means that poverty didn't disappeared.
Few numbers: in 1985, volunteers served 8.000.000 meals. Today volunteers serve more than 70.000.000.
And if today "Les Restos Du Coeur" exist it's only because the governement is unable to help people... no! I should say: the governement don't really want to help people! But they prefer big luxurious parties... with a lot of champagne, a lot of food... they "need" business car... They have to travel a lot... In the meantime, people are living in the street, and I want insist on the fact that today 1 french worker on 3 is homeless, that's something, no? and what is the governement doing meanwhile? Absolutely Nothing!!! IT'S A REAL SHAME!!!
Well, now I'm going to translate you a part of the song which financed the first resto!
Today, we musn't be hungry and be cold
Overtake of ourself
I spare a thought for you, and I spare a thought for me
I don't promise you a great care,
But just a meal and a drink
A piece of bread and warmth
In the Restos, the Restos du Coeur...
We count on you!!!

Thursday, March 01, 2007


There's the first word: Daddy
And the first word of all: apple
There's universal words: dollar
And less universal words: chicon


There's easy words: thanks
And words with a double meaning: pistols
There's words which generate an answer: Hi
There's words which construct a story: Once upon a time
And some from heroes: I have a dream


There's words which bring together: family
And some which fit together: in-laws
There's words we don't say enough: bravo
And those we hate to say: say farewell
Some unprononceable: Jiu-Jitsu
And some which are simply hard to say: I love you


There's words that we scream: Silence!
And those which let you voiceless: ...
Those we prefer to hush up: extracurricular
Those we search: uhm
And savant words: Epistemologic
Funny words: Hoolahoop
Those which make you smile: Cheese!
Those which mean everything: Thing
But we never miss words: Etc.