Karim Köster is a German actor, he played Richard Von Brahmberg in Verliebt In Berlin. Richard Von Brahmberg is someone really mean and selfish and acts in his own interrest, so you hate him! lol
But I've seen pictures of him and he looks really funny. Oh well, I can make a difference between reality and fiction. But I'm always surprised when I see that the person and the character are totally different ( as for Alexandra Neldel who seems really uptight and whose in real life is not at all! I've seen some pictures of her naked on google... really surprising!! lol oh think that I like to watch naled ladies on internet! lol). So here are some pictures of Karim.
Karim and Alexandra Neldel (alias Lisa Plenske).
Karim and Mathis Künzler (alias David Seidel).